NY Times Portfolio

A selection of design, visualization, and storytelling projects.

NY Times Portfolio

A selection of design, visualization, and storytelling projects.

Digital News Design

Hi! I am a

Hi! I am a

Hi! I am a

As a lifelong admirer of interactive documentary, my favorite projects have always been those that could marry design, technology, and the unique storytelling powers of interactive and visual media. Here you'll find some examples of work I've done in these categories.

As a lifelong admirer of interactive documentary, my favorite projects have always been those that could marry design, technology, and the unique storytelling powers of interactive and visual media. Here you'll find some examples of work I've done in these categories.

As a lifelong admirer of interactive documentary, my favorite projects have always been those that could marry design, technology, and the unique storytelling powers of interactive and visual media. Here you'll find some examples of work I've done in these categories.

UI/UX Design

For each of the following projects, I have written complete summaries of the full design process that went into each project's creation. The process of identifying, empathizing with, and planning for the user, to me, is as important as the final product itself. So, for more information (including personas, mockups, prototypes, demo videos, and live demos), see the project details.


ALM at Harvard Extension, DGMD E-599

Modderize is a web application for video game modders to track and fulfill feature requests from their communities. I designed and built this application in DGMD E-599: Digital Media Design Capstone Studio to fulfill the Capstone requirement for my Master of Liberal Arts at HES.


ALM at Harvard Extension, DGMD E-599

Modderize is a web application for video game modders to track and fulfill feature requests from their communities. I designed and built this application in DGMD E-599: Digital Media Design Capstone Studio to fulfill the Capstone requirement for my Master of Liberal Arts at HES.


ALM at Harvard Extension, DGMD E-599

Modderize is a web application for video game modders to track and fulfill feature requests from their communities. I designed and built this application in DGMD E-599: Digital Media Design Capstone Studio to fulfill the Capstone requirement for my Master of Liberal Arts at HES.

Social Savvy Prototype

ALM at Harvard Extension, DGMD E-55

Social Savvy is a Figma prototype for an educational app that teaches media literacy skills to young adults and digital natives. I designed this prototype for DGMD E-55: Designing Educational Media.

Social Savvy Prototype

ALM at Harvard Extension, DGMD E-55

Social Savvy is a Figma prototype for an educational app that teaches media literacy skills to young adults and digital natives. I designed this prototype for DGMD E-55: Designing Educational Media.

Social Savvy Prototype

ALM at Harvard Extension, DGMD E-55

Social Savvy is a Figma prototype for an educational app that teaches media literacy skills to young adults and digital natives. I designed this prototype for DGMD E-55: Designing Educational Media.

Staker Prototype

ALM at Harvard Extension, CSCI E-34

Staker is a crowdfunding platform to help Makers monetize their crafts, build communities around their creations and engage with their audiences and supporters. I designed this prototype in Figma for CSCI E-34: User Experience Engineering.

Staker Prototype

ALM at Harvard Extension, CSCI E-34

Staker is a crowdfunding platform to help Makers monetize their crafts, build communities around their creations and engage with their audiences and supporters. I designed this prototype in Figma for CSCI E-34: User Experience Engineering.

Staker Prototype

ALM at Harvard Extension, CSCI E-34

Staker is a crowdfunding platform to help Makers monetize their crafts, build communities around their creations and engage with their audiences and supporters. I designed this prototype in Figma for CSCI E-34: User Experience Engineering.

Impact Landing Page Mockup

Partners In Health, Marcomms

The Impact Landing page was to merge data and narrative to tell the story of PIH's global impact. I designed this mockup in Sketch for my role as Front End Developer and Production Manager on the PIH Marcomms team. It was one of my very first professional design projects.

Impact Landing Page Mockup

Partners In Health, Marcomms

The Impact Landing page was to merge data and narrative to tell the story of PIH's global impact. I designed this mockup in Sketch for my role as Front End Developer and Production Manager on the PIH Marcomms team. It was one of my very first professional design projects.

Impact Landing Page Mockup

Partners In Health, Marcomms

The Impact Landing page was to merge data and narrative to tell the story of PIH's global impact. I designed this mockup in Sketch for my role as Front End Developer and Production Manager on the PIH Marcomms team. It was one of my very first professional design projects.

Data Visualization

Although I didn't have formal training in data visualization until the second year of my ALM degree, I've always sought out to find ways to interactively visualize data. The technologies I have the most experience with are D3 and Tableau.

CO2 Climate Impact Story

ALM at Harvard Extension, CSCI E-171

For CSCI E-171: Visualization, I worked on a team of three to develop this interactive data story with D3. I worked on the overall design/theme (fonts, page layout), the first and second content blocks, the sticky nav, the radar graph, and the line chart. Note: responsiveness was not a requirement. View the repo here.

CO2 Climate Impact Story

ALM at Harvard Extension, CSCI E-171

For CSCI E-171: Visualization, I worked on a team of three to develop this interactive data story with D3. I worked on the overall design/theme (fonts, page layout), the first and second content blocks, the sticky nav, the radar graph, and the line chart. Note: responsiveness was not a requirement. View the repo here.

CO2 Climate Impact Story

ALM at Harvard Extension, CSCI E-171

For CSCI E-171: Visualization, I worked on a team of three to develop this interactive data story with D3. I worked on the overall design/theme (fonts, page layout), the first and second content blocks, the sticky nav, the radar graph, and the line chart. Note: responsiveness was not a requirement. View the repo here.

US Genome Data Privacy Law Map

ALM at Harvard Extension, DGMD E-15

One of many projects built for Creative Explorations in Screen-Based and Physical Media, this visualization aimed to visualize the concentration of US genomic data privacy protections at a point in time. Built in D3 and Framer. View a PDF version of the final Notion page deliverable and summary of future TODOs.

US Genome Data Privacy Law Map

ALM at Harvard Extension, DGMD E-15

One of many projects built for Creative Explorations in Screen-Based and Physical Media, this visualization aimed to visualize the concentration of US genomic data privacy protections at a point in time. Built in D3 and Framer. View a PDF version of the final Notion page deliverable and summary of future TODOs.

US Genome Data Privacy Law Map

ALM at Harvard Extension, DGMD E-15

One of many projects built for Creative Explorations in Screen-Based and Physical Media, this visualization aimed to visualize the concentration of US genomic data privacy protections at a point in time. Built in D3 and Framer. View a PDF version of the final Notion page deliverable and summary of future TODOs.

SeedKit Education Impact Data Browser

BA at Wellesley; Cross-reg at MIT, CMS.338

This was the first interactive vis I ever made. Built for the Science Education Equity Development Kit (SeedKit) website, it was also my final project for CMS.338. Made with Highcharts in 2016. View the repo.

SeedKit Education Impact Data Browser

BA at Wellesley; Cross-reg at MIT, CMS.338

This was the first interactive vis I ever made. Built for the Science Education Equity Development Kit (SeedKit) website, it was also my final project for CMS.338. Made with Highcharts in 2016. View the repo.

SeedKit Education Impact Data Browser

BA at Wellesley; Cross-reg at MIT, CMS.338

This was the first interactive vis I ever made. Built for the Science Education Equity Development Kit (SeedKit) website, it was also my final project for CMS.338. Made with Highcharts in 2016. View the repo.

Video Storytelling

Since my background is in Cinema and Media Studies, it would be a poor representation of my interests to not include some of the video content I've created over the years. I can't say I've spent enough time creating video content to become a master of the craft, but I have made a few things I'm proud enough of to share.

Poetry Reading of In The Time of Plague by N. Scott Momaday

ALM at Harvard Extension, DGMD E-35

A short video edited together over the course of a couple of weeks during a summer course on video editing with Adobe Premiere, After Effects, and Audition.

Poetry Reading of In The Time of Plague by N. Scott Momaday

ALM at Harvard Extension, DGMD E-35

A short video edited together over the course of a couple of weeks during a summer course on video editing with Adobe Premiere, After Effects, and Audition.

Poetry Reading of In The Time of Plague by N. Scott Momaday

ALM at Harvard Extension, DGMD E-35

A short video edited together over the course of a couple of weeks during a summer course on video editing with Adobe Premiere, After Effects, and Audition.

Manifestations of the Colonial Mind

BA at Wellesley, CAMS 202

A video essay analyzing how "Memorias del Subdesarrollo" (1968) directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea depicts the complexities of development and colonialism as they relate to global politics and pre-revolution Cuba.

Manifestations of the Colonial Mind

BA at Wellesley, CAMS 202

A video essay analyzing how "Memorias del Subdesarrollo" (1968) directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea depicts the complexities of development and colonialism as they relate to global politics and pre-revolution Cuba.

Manifestations of the Colonial Mind

BA at Wellesley, CAMS 202

A video essay analyzing how "Memorias del Subdesarrollo" (1968) directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea depicts the complexities of development and colonialism as they relate to global politics and pre-revolution Cuba.

Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative: How a Once Fractured Community Became Whole

BA at Wellesley, PEAC 104 and CAMS 135/ARTS 165

A documentary short about the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, a non-profit in Roxbury, MA. I was lucky enough to go on a trip to the DSNI HQ and meet the people responsible for the incredible change in the Dudley Street Neighborhood.

Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative: How a Once Fractured Community Became Whole

BA at Wellesley, PEAC 104 and CAMS 135/ARTS 165

A documentary short about the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, a non-profit in Roxbury, MA. I was lucky enough to go on a trip to the DSNI HQ and meet the people responsible for the incredible change in the Dudley Street Neighborhood.

Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative: How a Once Fractured Community Became Whole

BA at Wellesley, PEAC 104 and CAMS 135/ARTS 165

A documentary short about the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, a non-profit in Roxbury, MA. I was lucky enough to go on a trip to the DSNI HQ and meet the people responsible for the incredible change in the Dudley Street Neighborhood.

And if you really want a laugh, check out this playlist of video content I worked on as a producer in my high school journalism club.

More Projects

To view more of my work, please visit the home page of this website.