Genomic Data Privacy Portal

Harvard Extension School, DGMD E15

Genomic Data Privacy Portal

Harvard Extension School, DGMD E15

Genomic Data Privacy Portal

Harvard Extension School, DGMD E15

Project Description

In the DGMD E-15 course, we were given a lot of freedom to explore and learn whatever we wanted; essentially to be able to pick a UI/UX/web/AR/VR project, and build it with the help of the professor and the peer critiques of our classmates. I knew from the very beginning that I wanted, more than anything, to play around with and start learning D3. Specifically, mapping. I had been asked at my first job to create an interactive map in Drupal, but we ended up having to contract that project out because I was a very fresh and very green dev, and knew I wouldn't be able to do the idea justice within the allotted timeframe. So this project was basically a reprisal of that problem, and allowed me to learn about and explore a bunch of tools I wasn't yet familiar with.

How I contributed:

For my final project for Creative Explorations in Physical and Screen Based Computing, I created an interactive data visualization in D3 and Framer, along with a quick draft of a NextJS app using the components I built in Framer. The primary goal of my project was to learn more about how mapping worked in D3, so I set out to find a reasonably small data set with some interesting features that I could build out and expand upon throughout the course. I ended up deciding to map some data on the genetic data privacy protections various pieces of US state-level legislation afforded to consumers in various contexts.

What challenged me:

Getting the data into a format that was reasonable to work with was quite the challenge! This was my first time working on a D3 project or a map related project, so I really tossed myself into the deep end here, considering the course was definitely not a D3-focused course (although Prof. Mikhak was a source of ever-lasting patience and support, as usual). So, I want to detail a little bit about the process of cleaning and preparing this data; I think it was pretty interesting and I learned a lot.

Once I decided on what to do for my final project, I copied the table html with the data from Wesleyan's website and used an HTML to CSV conversion tool to create a first draft CSV version of it. Then, I cleaned up some of the artifacts manually in Excel (nested columns didn’t convert well, for instance, so I made new columns for those). I also semi-manually created a separate column for state and statute via Excel functions and some manual editing. Once I had the Uploaded this CSV to Notion and created a database out of it, where I then further tested and updated it. I was originally planning on just parsing the CSV file, but decided it would probably be easier to convert it to JSON and use that. So, I did so using the CSV to JSON converter above. Then I re-worked the JSON to group the data by state for easier querying in the map.

What I learned:

Actually so much. As I mentioned above, I learned a lot about data formats and processing data. I learned a lot about D3, and the various packages that it is composed of. Of course, as much as I was able to teach myself in that short amount of time, I became more aware of just how much more there was to learn about other map projection types, working with SVG graphics, and the details of data analysis and preparation. I ended up enrolling in a data visualization course in the Fall of 2022, so that I could continue this learning.